Sunday, January 29, 2012

Brainwashed - Blog 3


Three of the layers within Godin’s article that should be summarized are be generous, connect, and make art. Connecting via social media is addicting, but it will keep a person on track with the whole rest of the world. That connection is just a personal decision. We were once isolate, and only knew what was around us, but now, we are intertwined with everyone, and these intermingling’s can be positive or negative. The future is where we live, and thanks to that, we are all going to be connected by the internet. Though those interactions will not be substantial, they may be helpful.
Being generous does not always have to do with money, but sometimes has to do with being able to give people a little piece of you. Artistically, you are able to share ideas and give feedback, which should be done generously. Economically, it is not I give you this and you return the favor, but let me give you a gift and eventually, you give me a gift in return. It would be know as the circle of gifts.
Making art is a unique gift because each individual can interpret it differently and it does not have to have a certain quality. There are no instructions or right and wrongs when it comes to the art world. The only risk within that community, is the chance that the piece of work may or may not be appreciated or liked.
We should also, acknowledge the lizard, which means listen to that little voice in your head. In simpler terms, it’s the resistance that tells us to go with the flow and follow the instructions that were given to us. The resistance always wins, because the threats are real and consequential, making us just a follower of the mass.
The blogs that we have been doing this quarter related to what Godin was speaking of. First, the connecting gives us the ability to choose where we want to go and what we want to do. We are connecting with out classmates, but artistically, everything is our choice. We choose what we want to talk about and how we wish to express what we are thinking, but we have people there to bounce ideas of off and creatively grow with.
Social media is the only reason that we are able to do these blogs in the first place. All of what we know and understand is online. It makes up who we are and what defines us. Negatively, social media does affect what kind of person we are when we are face to face with people. Thanks to the internet a person can be brave about what they say and how they say it. Now take the person out of the context of hiding behind a username, put them in front of a large group of people, and I guarantee you what they have to say will be completely different. Social media will lead us in a positive direction, by connecting us to the whole world and making us realize what else is out there, but when it comes to face to face contact, our skills will severely diminish.
Second was being generous., which should can only be related to human on human contact, and goes back to connections. Being generous when it comes to this class is hard, because you can only be so generous with our ideas before they become someone else’s and you have lost all intellectual property. The good thing about our lab is that it gives you enough space to come up with your own ideas, while still collaborating with others. That collaboration can only improve what you already have, not impair it. Sometimes, it is just easier to work with other people because they can teach you by experience. Sharing is caring after all. The feedback we receive from out peers will make us grow as artists and creators, or it can crush a whole idea entirely.
This entire class is about making art and sharing it with the people around us. None of us have the same ideas and none of us will ever turn in a similar project, which opens up a whole new world of critiquing. Those people around you are going to take what you have worked on and either love it or hate it. If they love it, they are going to be willing to work with you on it and make it better, if they hate it, they are going to flat out tell you. But, that is just the risk you run when creating work.
We are given basic instructions on how to create the art that is put before us, but sometimes we need some guidance. As learners, we need to be told what to do and how to do it so that we can expand our knowledge while still using what we already know and the ideas we have already created. Those instructions may seem restricting, but it helps us test out what all there is to offer in the media world. This way, we don’t just stick to what we know, but we become diverse artists.
Acknowledging your lizard is difficult, especially in this class. As of now, I am just trying to get these blogs done, but honestly, it is not because I feel creative and want to share, it is because I am being threatened with a deadline. That is how all of life will be though, one big deadline and minimal time to create what you really wish you could create. 

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